Earn Your Stripes

This is not a rewards program but rather a badge of honor and recognition. Earn your Stripes is a tiered system to allow Uplifted Athletics members to showcase their loyalty and commitment to our core values:

Embodying our mission to LIFT OTHERS UP through Health & Fitness


Stripe #1

Task #1

  • 100 U60 Large Group Classes Sessions completed

  • 50 Private Training OR Small Group Training sessions completed

Task #2

  • Leave us a review on either GOOGLE/YELP

Stripe #2

Task #1

  • Complete first stripe

Task #2

  • Be with Uplifted Athletics for 1 year

Stripe #3

  • 500th U60 Large Group Classes Sessions Completed

  • 250th SGT/PT ServicesSessions Completed

Task #1

Task #2

  • Attend 6 Uplifted Events


Get recognized! Your name on our Training Floor Wall + an exclusive Congratulations Certificate for your achievement!

Get recognized! Your name under our 2nd Stripe Banner on the Training Floor Wall + an exclusive T-shirt!

Level up! Your name under our 3rd Stripe Banner on the Training Floor Wall + an exclusive hoodie!

Earned NOt Given