Home of U60

Science Backed

Don't think, just follow along! Follow our coaches through a 55 minute workout that'll increase strength and endurance.

Purpose Driven

Each day is different ! You choose to work lower, upper or full body. Attending each day of the week guarantees results!

Family oriented

All fitness levels are welcome here! Whether you're a beginner or an advanced lifter, our members and staff will help you feel at home!

Personal Training

1 on 1

Clients will receive a customized program that will help build proper form and technique in basic exercises and movements before progressing to more advanced, dynamic and intense programs. Programs can include weight loss, sports specific performance, and corrective/rehabilitative exercise.

Semi Private Training

Offers the same individualized programming for your needs and goals as 1:1 Personal Training and allows you to train with 1-3 additional clients simultaneously. Each client gets individualized instruction for her/his own program in a dynamic and fun environment with training partners that may or may not have similar goals or be of similar fitness levels.

Partner Training

Perfect for those that have a dedicated workout partner and would like to grow together. Receive a tailored program for you and your partner that will focus on your goals without the needing to be in a group or solo.

HOw to get Started

Getting started on your new fitness journey is simple.  Just fill out the form below and we will get back to you to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY consultation to assess your fitness level and goals!

Schedule a 30-minute consultation today!

Send us a message with the day and time that you’d like to attend!

nutritional guidance

60 Min COnsultation

Personalized program

Weekly Check-ins

Fitlicious Meal Prep

ready made meals

Macro Friendly

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